Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Pet Society// Batteries + Fertilizer + Coins Hack

This Hack also be able to place your Battery 49 Days Nannybot and Fertilizers for your plants, trees or flowers contain a Little Fertilizer Coins Hack with insurance is small but Someone help.
  • Need:

  1. WinRar or WinZip.
  2. Fiddler Web Debugger 2.
  3. Google Chrome - Mozilla Firefox - Internet Explorer.
  4. Download file Fertilizer + Battery + Coins Hack - [ Download ]
Everything you need for this hack, you'll find in the area of downloads .
  • Steps:

  • Uploading files download or failing lower
  • Unzip the files using WinRAR (Tools section)
  • Extract the file on our Desktop www.FB-Trucos.com
  • Open the Fiddler [ Tutorial Fiddler ]
  • Click on " Autoresponder " www.FB-Trucos.com
  • Please insert your " Eneable Automatic Responses "and" Permit passthrough for unmatched request "
  • Select the files and drag them to Fiddler
  • Open the Explorer and Clear Cache [ Delete Cache Tutorial ]
  • We went into the game -Trucos.com www.FB
  • If the files are replaced correctly The hack works
  • We went to the Mystery Shop
  • Enjoy! www.FB-Trucos.com
Credits: DonTsunami

This Database contains the following

  1. 49 Days Batteries
  2. Nanny Bot
  3. Fertilizers
  4. Small Coins Hack

Plant Coins Hack

  1. Once replaced the Databases Enters the Mystery Shop
  2. Buy Fertilizer Plant
  3. Go to Shop and Buy Outdoor Plant 99 seed
  4. Now go to your garden and plant seeds
  5. Put them on and will grow Instantly Fertilizntes
  6. Using accounts by spending $ 100 + 5 seed and fertilizer by the Ganas Approx. Plant Coins Sold by 290 290 * 99 = 29.000 Coins!
  7. It is little but what is so enjoy-
Video Tutorial

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